Report Fraud or Identity Theft

How to report fraud

Please contact us immediately if you suspect you are a victim of fraud.

How to Report Identity Theft

Identity theft occurs when someone obtains your non-public personal information without your permission and uses it to initiate a transaction on in your name, or utilizing your information.  If you believe you are a victim of identity theft, please report it immediately and follow the steps listed below.

1.     Contact Track

Contact us immediately.

2.     Download the Track Identity Theft Reporting Form

The form provides documentation that will help us address your reported identity theft.

3.     Contact the major credit reporting agencies

If you suspect you are a victim of identity theft, contacting the major credit reporting agencies is a good way to alert your creditors that your personal information may have been compromised.  Alerting the credit reporting agencies will require your creditors to verify the information they have for you in their records.

4.     Contact other creditors

We recommend you contact each of your creditors (including utilities providers or phone companies) to notify them of potential fraud or identity theft.  We also recommend you close any accounts you suspect have been breached and reopen them with new account numbers and passwords.

5.     File a report with the local police

When you obtain a copy of your police report regarding identity theft or fraud, you create a record of suspected criminal activity, which may help when contacting creditors (including Track) to dispute charges/accounts opened in your name. Remember to request a copy of your police report