Report Phishing emails & text scams

What is “phishing?”

The Federal Trade Commission defines “phishing” as when individuals use fraudulent emails or texts, or copycat websites to get you to share valuable personal information—such as account numbers, Social Security numbers, or logins and passwords.  The goal of the scammer is usually to steal your money or your identity, or both.

If you encounter a suspicious email or text message supposedly from Track, don’t respond, click any links, or open attachments. 

Instead, call us immediately at 847-327-0055 and provide us the details of what you have received.  Our agents may ask you to forward the suspicious email, or email with the text message copy, to for further review. 

How to recognize a phishing email

Phishing emails are becoming incredibly sophisticated and difficult to distinguish from legitimate emails.  A phishing email will usually try to impersonate our email address to lure you to respond and share personal information.  Typically, phishing emails will try to create a sense of urgency in the subject line and/or message itself as a means of getting you to respond. Notice the red flags in this example:


How to recognize a phishing text

Phishing texts are very similar to phishing emails in that they also attempt to create a sense of urgency to lure you to respond.  These texts may prompt you to call a specific phone number, visit a link, or respond directly with personal or account information.  Note that Track will not send you a text without your express consent.  Notice the red flags in this example:
